1.  Against this powerful combination of socialism and nationalism, liberal economics stood little chance.

2.  And then following in her footsteps, month after month, as if he stood a chance.

3.  But that made no difference - he knew he stood no chance against the oriental in single combat.

4.  But that process would be complicated, and stands little chance of success.

5.  Despite many local triumphs, their party stands little chance of winning a national election.

6.  Even fully fit he would have stood little chance against the oriental, who was an expert in Martial arts combat.

7.  He figured he stood better chances shooting it out with federal agents who had more firepower.

8.  If you do not get a seat in the chambers of which you are a pupil, you stand little chance elsewhere.

9.  Made by a small independent firm, it stood little chance against the big toy companies with huge promotional budgets.

10.  Maybe their relationship had never really stood a chance.

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