81.  A moderately effective vaccine exists against some types of streptococcal pneumonia.

82.  A most significant departure for some one so senior to involve himself personally.

83.  A national mobility scheme operates within the public sector, and some social housing is constructed beyond the cities by housing associations.

84.  A new bridge was fitted some three months later during the winter.

85.  A new phenomenon is identified in some prisons.

86.  A notice at eye level inside the bathroom door can jog your memory and avoid some trying mopping-up operations later.

87.  A Novel needs to have some semblance of truth, or the reader will quickly lose interest in it.

88.  A package deal makes some sense.

89.  A paper for some graduate student, she thought.

90.  A particular knife perhaps, or some other essential-at-the-time utensil?

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