1. As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.
2. Although seating capacity on CommutAir will be half that on previous carriers, CommutAir president John A. Sullivan said smaller planes should improve chances of financial success.
3. And the smaller planes having access to these mountain resorts may not reduce their prices substantially.
4. As it usually does in the slow winter season, TWA plans to put some smaller planes on European routes this winter.
5. BA chief executive Bob Ayling told reporters Tuesday that politics did not enter the decision to go with Airbus for the smaller planes.
6. But Lovas and others agreed a GPS unit might also have allowed the hijackers to navigate the jets, even though the devices are designed for smaller planes.
7. But many airlines have reduced their flights in the region over the last year or are switching to smaller planes.
8. But that would run against a trend toward flying smaller planes with greater frequency, offering passengers more choices.
9. But some smaller planes will be replaced with existing larger models.
10. Cockpit simulators with computers to run the gauges and dials are routine in the training programs for big jets but not smaller planes.