1.  So they two rode through that valley at a slow pace and very easily.

2.  Sir Launcelot rode by many highways and many byways at a very slow pace, stopping now and then when it pleased him to do so, for he took great joy in being free in the open air again.

3.  The proof was naturally slow, as the evidence was given in German, and had to be translated into English.

4.  Twice he was on his legs before Mr. Western had finished his slow harangue, and twice he was compelled to reseat himself, — thinking that he had subjected himself to ridicule.

5.  But he had not that gift of slow blood which on the former occasion would have enabled him to remember his prepared speech, and which would now have placed all his own resources within his own reach.

6.  Whether she could endure the dull, monotonous control of her slow but imperious lord, — or whether she must not rather tell him that it was not to be endured, — that was her trouble.

7.  But the Duke seldom moved out of a walk, and on this occasion Madame Max was as steady in her seat and almost as slow as the mounted ghost in Don Juan .

8.  But it was said by some there, especially by Mrs. Bonteen, that the conversation between them was not slow.

9.  The sea was a dark lead color as with long, slow, majestic roll it was heaped up by the wind into liquid mountains of foam.

10.  It was hard work, as you could see by the drops of sweat that stood on his forehead; and it was slow as well as hard.

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