71.  As at many of the sites, you'll also be able to check out your compatibility _ at least where astrology is concerned _ with a potential mate.

72.  As at other mall sites, clicking on a product switches you to another .com business.

73.  Any Virtual World site can be linked up, by digital phone lines, to another, allowing for players in different locations to compete.

74.  Customers also will be able to pay via credit card through the site.

75.  Customers and computer enthusiasts posted hundreds of messages about McAfee's recent news release on www.slashdot.org, a technology community site, echoing Perry's view.

76.  Customers now can call Dell's Internet site for an options screen.

77.  Customers who sent as much as 23 million pounds of garbage to the site could qualify for the list, based on garbage company records.

78.  Customers who want information on Fidelity's 200 or so funds can use America Online instead to access the company's site on the Internet's World Wide Web.

79.  Customers will also be able to use the site to type in orders from the Bloomingdale's catalog and link to its bridal registry which is operated with WeddingChannel.com.

80.  Cutting-edge offices, including those of Schiff and Boxer, D-Calif., have filtering e-mail connections built into their office Internet Web sites.

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