61.  Currently, the site offers stories on previous weeks' races.

62.  Curtis said the site "pays for itself" through a little advertising and the sale of some items on the site.

63.  Democracies as well as dictatorships are cracking down on sites that are found to be too dangerous, too lurid, or too controversial.

64.  Despite $1.8 billion in studies to investigate the geological suitability of Yucca Mountain, the Energy Department still has no idea if the site is suitable.

65.  Despite a computerized tracking system, stockpile staffers must continually visit more than 30 sites to make sure the stocks of life-saving material are managed correctly.

66.  Despite a United States focus to most news sites, papers from around the world are quite easy to find.

67.  Democratic congressional leaders last year established the House Internet site and were gradually improving it when they lost control to the GOP.

68.  Democratic Party campaign committees in both the House and Senate have established their own sites for the faithful and the curious, and Republican committees are not far behind.

69.  Democratic sites:

70.  Despite its troubles with the Hunger Site, Ridenour said GreaterGood was committed to click-to-donate sites.

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