1. For similar reasons bad posture can be to blame for congestion and erratic circulation in the lower part of the body.
2. For similar reasons the presence of severe lung disease and chronic kidney disease is a contraindication to disulfiram administration.
3. For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
4. You may wish to seek leave of absence in special circumstances such as the death of a close relative, marriage, severe illness or similar important reasons.
5. In the Seine basin, landlords created hospitia, free tenures, presumably for similar reasons.
6. It therefore follows for very similar reasons that they also will always be restrictive, as is indeed the case.
7. He perhaps promoted the cult of Edward the Martyr for similar reasons.
8. A policy of targeting money supply is also criticized by Keynesians for similar reasons.
9. English Nature has asked the Department of the Environment to prohibit the importation of the American Hardshelled Clam for similar reasons.
10. For similar reasons other EC countries, including Belgium, France and Italy, have also requested a temporary exemption or are expected to do so.