1.  There was a short, ominous silence.

2.  A big young man came out of the plane with a short, thin, grey-haired one - Harald and Carl.

3.  A brief mood of shapeless hysteria took hold of the claustrophobic young community, which ended abruptly with a short holiday.

4.  A busy man, Johnny Cash, with a notoriously short attention span.

5.  A chap with short brown hair was smiling down at me.

6.  A clear photo with a newsy caption or short article is often welcome.

7.  A great way to set up an interesting, even dynamic, rhythm, is by juxtaposing short and long sentences.

8.  A highly skilled workforce trained in designing and manufacturing high-quality, high value-added products at low cost, with shorter lead times.

9.  A little short of four Winds he stopped the car and they shared the remains of the picnic.

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