21.  Also, of course, a trust is at liberty to raise new capital by an issue of additional ordinary or debenture shares.

22.  Although on the outside he was quiet and shy, Albert had more than his share of quirks.

23.  Although the government has made some shares in National Oil Products available, it intends to maintain its controlling interest.

24.  Although the Market extended its trading hours, many brokers refused to take orders because of the volatility of share prices.

25.  Among star performers was the Savoy Hotel where shares soared on the back of speculation that sometime predator Forte group was back.

26.  Among them is one that would lift restrictions on the voting rights of shares.

27.  Analysts are confident the downturn in share prices will not last long.

28.  And billboards promoting movies deemed violent or risque have their share of critics.

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