41.  As a civil process, its aims were more modest: to establish responsibility for the deaths and to set damages.

42.  As a college sophomore, Edward O. Wilson set out to classify all the ants in Alabama.

43.  Delhi's move to close some of the factories last month set off rioting among workers and owners.

44.  Dell is set to report its second quarter results next week.

45.  Desperation set in with nine minutes left, and the Bruins applied the defensive clamp.

46.  Despite a far different resume than Rubin's, Summers is unlikely to set a new direction at Treasury this late in the Clinton presidency.

47.  Despite a fragile set of knees, Eusebio started 83 games behind the plate in 1999 and hit .272 with 33 RBIs.

48.  Cup qualifying subsequently was postponed on Friday evening and moved to Saturday morning after water seeped through Turn 1 as the sun began to set.

49.  Curating can be an art, but it has its own set of responsibilities, just as moviemaking and choreography have theirs.

50.  Curfews were set for dusk in the hardest-hit areas.

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