81.  Although in the last year the administration has eased those requirements for some industries, primarily financial services, many common software products cannot be exported.

82.  Democrats say Bush's state tax cuts have hurt services, and suggest that his national tax-cut proposals are risky.

83.  Despite higher bonuses and grants for tuition, the services' harried recruiters have been scrambling, often unsuccessfully, in recent years to meet their recruiting goals.

84.  Despite it all, he sees no progress and no hope for the future if the homeless services, even consolidated into new buildings, remain.

85.  Despite its 54 percent weighting in telecom services, it's up 8.45 percent year to date.

86.  Despite its budget crisis, the county is required by law to provide welfare services regardless of whether the state supplies the money.

87.  Despite its name, registerfree.com generally charges for its services.

88.  D means Fleet scored 85 to 95 percent of the financial services industry norm; E means Fleet was below 85 percent of the norm.

89.  Despite the free services that HMOs offer in Tucson, the issue of choice discourages many retirees from signing on.

90.  Despite strong demand, goods and services are plentiful, not scarce.

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