41.  Culver City, Calif., provides security alarm monitoring services.

42.  Depressingly, the Russian service of Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty remains Russia's primary supplier of impartial news, just as it was in Soviet times.

43.  Deputy County Attorney James Blake, chief of the unit, met after the service with about 75 members of the congregation to field questions about the investigation.

44.  Deputy Foreign Minister Viktor Posuvalyuk has been Yeltsin's special representative in the Middle East peace process since 1994, news services said.

45.  Delhaize has an on-line delivery service in Europe, but Food Lion does not, said Paul A. Fritzson, Hannaford's chief financial officer.

46.  Delivering services is rowing, and government is not very good at rowing."

47.  Dell also plans to offer products and services to customers who want to connect multiple PCs into a home network through their telephone wiring.

48.  Dell also plans to use its reputation as an e-commerce heavyweight to sell expertise in various new services, such as Web-site hosting and consulting.

49.  Dell is trying to rapidly increase sales of more profitable servers and storage products, along with peripheral products and services to decrease its reliance on desktop computers.

50.  Dell, which builds computers to order, does not have its own service organization.

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