81.  A soldier saw it, fired at about seventy-five yards distance, and missed it.

82.  A star signaled overhead and he saw it.

83.  A steady supply of films that audiences want to see is crucial to the continued success and growth of multiplexes.

84.  A straight and handsome tall white hunter is seen surrounded by tiny, Swarming naked people.

85.  A sudden gust lifted his resplendent tartan for all to see ... a pair of blue briefs.

86.  A third way, called an endoscope, uses the principle of total internal reflection which we saw in the demonstration.

87.  A tragedy is when you go to all these hospitals and see little children dying of cancer.

88.  A university porter saw the smoke and called the fire brigade.

89.  A visit to any of their shows is a delight and you can see begonias at their best.

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