61.  A number of variations were seen in terms of population size, natural resource endowment, and current levels of development.

62.  A pack leader saw the police in hot pursuit, called six Sturmabteilungen to him and led them into the stadium.

63.  A pair of sharp black eyes looked her up and down out of the most wasted features Miss Kyte had ever seen.

64.  A physician, Naumann, was sent along with a farrier to see what went on at Alfort.

65.  A pie chart can help the retailer or business-person see at a glance exactly where the money goes.

66.  A poster for the local paper on the wall next to the newsagent claims boldly that another big cat has been seen.

67.  A president who works hard on issues like these will not see his ratings go up on weekly basis.

68.  A radical criminology which appears to deny this will be seen as callous and rightly rejected.

69.  A radical criminology which appears to deny this will be seen as naive and rightly rejected.

70.  A rather typical instance of the way such fears develop can be seen in the following incidents from our practice.

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