1. And schedule free time for yourself.
2. After much prodding from the media, the Bank of Thailand recently started to release economic indicators at scheduled times each month.
3. Business groups say the bill would spur productivity by permitting employers to schedule worker time to their advantage.
4. But generally speaking, even if you work long hours, you can pretty much schedule your time the way you want to.
5. But while he advises clients to schedule times for intimacy, he has serious concerns about making each encounter as goal-oriented as Corn suggests.
6. Delivery and pickup times must be scheduled precisely.
7. His vulnerability is evident in his very need to schedule campaign time in what should be a secure base.
8. I have to schedule my time and have to be focused.
9. It is no longer difficult to get her to schedule time for Adidas designers.
10. Later, he said he regretted not thinking of having mass press conferences at scheduled times.