11.  Any plan that encourages rest and low stress clearly has a person's health in mind, he says.

12.  Any plans to increase production would take a while to carry out anyway, industry experts said.

13.  Defensive tackle Russell Maryland, who sprained his right knee against the Eagles, said a potential playoff matchup with the 49ers can wait for now.

14.  Defensive tackle Sean Gilbert won't report to the Washington Redskins unless the team meets his asking price, his agent said.

15.  Defensive tackle Sean Phillips twisted a knee while stretching but said he was fine.

16.  Defensive tackles coach Craig Boller said the coaches and players deserve to share the blame.

17.  DeFeo said he is still considering potential alliances, but he is not convinced such a partnership is essential.

18.  Deputy District Attorney David Conn said he was unaware of the motion because it was not shown to the prosecution.

19.  Deputy District Attorney David P. Conn said they prevented the defense from putting the parents on trial and left the brothers without much of a case.

20.  Deputy District Attorney Larry Diamond said the case did not merit felony prosecution.

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