71.  A large circular flat stone on the green is said to be the remains of the Market cross.

72.  A Las Vegas police report says Paganelli was leaving a hotel when a police officer stopped him and asked for identification.

73.  A late crow said a word as her entry through the open drive gate disturbed his first sleep.

74.  A lay-up, it should be said, was jargon for a gamble that was sure to succeed.

75.  A league spokesman in New York said Wednesday that an announcement on the teams could come soon.

76.  A letter from the school arrived, saying that Joey had been both disobedient and disrespectful.

77.  A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.

78.  A local news agency said gangs paraded several severed heads around the town.

79.  A longtime airline pilot, who did not want to be quoted by name, said weather conditions were ripe for icing.

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