1.  Defensive line coaches Bill McPherson and Tommy Hart basically discovered Haley when Walsh assigned them to find a pass-rusher to replace Fred Dean.

2.  Defensive tackle Christian Peter also left the team as a free agent, but he was expected to be replaced by the second-year tackle Cornelius Griffin.

3.  Defensive tackle Tony Casillas replaces Russell Maryland.

4.  Deputy Mayor Randy Mastro said that the city's Work Experience Program, the largest welfare employment initiative in the country, was not intended to replace permanent workers.

5.  DENMARK-EURO (Copenhagen) _ On Thursday's vote on whether to replace the Danish krone with the euro.

6.  Dennis Francis, a board member, replaced Hilsenrath as chief executive officer.

7.  Denny, in turn, was replacing John Markley.

8.  Cullinane also insists the Action Agenda doesn't replace the party's traditional commitments.

9.  Der Spiegel said Veba Chief Executive Ulrich Harman has had preliminary discussions with an unnamed U.S. telephone provider about replacing C&W in the alliance.

10.  Derek Wanless, chief executive of National Westminster Bank, said he will replace Owen as head of NatWest Markets until a permanent replacement is found.

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