1. Do we aggressively develop renewable resources?
2. Paper Association, which points out that paper-producing wood is a renewable resource.
3. The alternative is a small-scale industry, based on renewable resources - but designing this requires chemical expertise too.
4. This is essential if renewable resources like forests are to be maintained in a state that is conducive to future use.
5. Today, very late, we are coming to accept the fact that the harvest of renewable resources must be controlled.
6. Trees are a renewable resource that when managed properly can sustain our needs indefinitely.
7. Trees are a renewable resource.
8. Although Britain had the best potential for wind power, especially in Scotland, of any European country, it was far behind in exploiting this renewable resource.
9. Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have launched a campaign to persuade the British government to increase its target for the generation of electricity from renewable resources.
10. Ecover, however, uses only natural vegetable oil based cleaners, derived from renewable resources, which break down rapidly, completely and safely.