1.  In fact it is as pressing as regular classes.

2.  In most areas, there is regular raining every year, which provide a large amount of fresh water.

3.  We should set aside regular time for excises .

4.  So in order to keep fit, you must pay attention to regular physical exercise and good sleep.

5.  Many people are always having the same job for many years even for all their life time, especially of the old man and woman, perhaps it's because they like the steady rythem such as the regular working time, the working conditions or the steady salary .

6.  Because he like a stable life, he doesn't want to change his life usually, what are they requirs is a regular pay , a experiented skill.

7.  This is called job-hopping, in the western country most of the people like changing their work, on the contast, Chinese like a regular work .

8.  This can give me a regular safe life at the end of my life.

9.  And some new job attracts his sight, so it is regular that he changes his job.

10.  We know that everything has its own regular way, we can't change it, we can't be too nervous .

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