1.  A child died of malaria at the Schweitzer Hospital one recent night, but there were no heroic measures.

2.  A complete media is found in many Palaeozoic fossil insects and in the Ephemeroptera among recent forms.

3.  A few heads with whom we came into contact seemed alarmingly out of touch with recent developments in primary education.

4.  A few traders are concerned by the recent drop in the stock Market, but most are not fazed.

5.  A final section outlines three policy and practice themes arising from recent research which could point the way ahead.

6.  A five-phased approach begins with desk research, to identify and evaluate recent opinions of the contribution of Marketing to corporate success.

7.  A further, recent complexity has been added by the widespread use of video recorders.

8.  A more recent image is diametrically opposed to this and emphasizes the affluence of later life.

9.  A more recent report from the Department of Social Security indicated low morale and a lack of confidence in the organisation.

10.  A more recent trial in osteoarthritis showed no effect from Rhus toxicodendron when compared with placebo.

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