1.  A bar graph shows present depth and maximum depth reached.

2.  A beautiful fairy danced near him, and he reached out to catch her, but caught only her handkerchief.

3.  A closer look reveals a galaxy of gossamer threads that reach out to anchor the organism to rocks or other surfaces.

4.  A col was reached at the ridge base and we ate.

5.  A compromise was eventually reached, but even this failed to satisfy environmentalists.

6.  A crane arrived, its colossal arm reaching out of the sky toward the building.

7.  A drug that is injected reaches the brain faster than if it is smoked or sniffed.

8.  A form of meditation, I suppose, at the end of which you have either reached nirvana or are completely mad.

9.  A further twenty-seven years were to elapse before the railway reached its ultimate terminus at the Kyle of Lochalsh.

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