1. Excessive quantities of dairy products, refined sugars and raw foods would be best avoided, with the emphasis on excessive.
2. If the digestion is already weakened then it will not cope with a totally raw food diet.
3. Keep apart from raw foods in the fridge.
4. Raw food from the freezer can be completely cooked and the finished dish cooled, packed and frozen as usual.
5. Faced with sharing a dinner of raw pet food with the cat, many people in wheelchairs I know bleed the system for a few extra dollars.
6. Also, marinate raw foods in the refrigerator.
7. Although Juliano was the first to get national exposure for raw food, he had little formal training.
8. And improperly handled raw beef can cross contaminate raw food with which it comes in contact.
9. And, as always, marinade brushes and other utensils that are used with raw food should not be used again near the end of cooking.
10. Also, some raw foods are difficult to digest, Hattner says.