61.  The Charleston Library Society claimed ownership after concerns were raised that the paper may have originally come from its archives.

62.  The claims raised the possibility Berisha could contest the results, which are expected Monday.

63.  The fact that diverse cultures raise children differently has long fascinated researchers.

64.  The data increased speculation that the Federal Reserve could raise interest rates for a seventh time this year.

65.  The numbers were consistent with predictions and had little influence on expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise rates one-half point later this month.

66.  The report stoked expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates for a sixth time since June to cool off the economy.

67.  Trading was listless amid uncertainty over whether the Fed will raise rates for a third time this year.

68.  With trials of new drugs becoming more common in developing countries, concerns have been raised that some countries lack the safeguards to protect their citizens.

69.  He went on sick leave in early November, when suspicions were raised that he might have a condition associated with HIV infection.

70.  Hopes were raised that many more would leave the camp Thursday after a visit by Rwandan Interior Minister Seth Sendashonga who urged those remaining to leave.

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