1.  A balanced budget meant increasing tax rates and reducing public expenditure.

2.  A ban on cigarette advertising on billboards, on public transportation, and at sports venues.

3.  A bullet-proof glass screen sealed the public gallery and everyone entering the building was subjected to a body search.

4.  A cellular phone is really a mobile radio system that sends a signal out over public airwaves.

5.  A characteristic of human verbal expression of pain is that it contains a mixture of private suffering and public display.

6.  A combination of impeccable service, lavishly Decorated public rooms and fine cuisine make the St. Francis a landmark in itself.

7.  A formal draft for public comment on fair value accounting is expected shortly.

8.  A further crisis has destroyed public confidence in the bank.

9.  A gang walking around in public brandishing bicycle chains could have been convicted.

10.  A holiday time-off policy applies especially well to public agencies that are looking to save taxpayer funds.

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