71.  Demand isn't expected to pick up until later this year as new PC products such as multimedia chips and digital video disk systems become widely available.

72.  Despite its quirks, Graffiti is finding favor among computer industry analysts and the growing list of manufacturers interested in using it with their products.

73.  Designing Internet and software products for that market has great risks but offers great rewards, so thousands of U.S. firms are involved.

74.  DeSimone said he expects solid sales and earnings growth this year, helped by new products, strengthening economies and lower raw material prices.

75.  Desperate barkers hawk financial products along a darkened carnival midway in a skyscraper canyon.

76.  Despite Jacobs' acclaim and his diversity of products, his work is sparsely represented in stores.

77.  Despite Kennedy's objections to the bill, he won important concessions along the way, including an agreement to allow states to continue to regulate cosmetic products.

78.  Despite numerous shifts in products and prices, the unit's annual sales totaled just $35 million, 30 percent below expectations.

79.  Customers also have informed Send.com that they want more products under $50 and a wider variety of gift suggestions.

80.  Customers and reviewers have praised Windows 2000 for being more stable than previous products.

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