31.  As a consumer products executive, he sought to shake up Times Mirror and its way of thinking of newspapers as a business.

32.  Dell'Oro Group president Tamm Dell'Oro said price cuts in remote-access products were offset by suppliers charging for more software and other new features packaged with the products.

33.  Despite a U.S. law prohibiting forced-labor imports and China's signed agreement to respect that law, Laogai products "continue to enter U.S. markets."

34.  DePuy chairman James Lent will head the combined orthopedic products unit, which will be based in Warsaw.

35.  Derivative products, such as plastics, may not necessarily be affected on the consumer level for some time, said Stefan Schneider, chief economist at Paribas Germany.

36.  Despite all the new products and big players, few in the business appear to be worried that consumers will have their fill.

37.  Despite being only half the size of Scotland, the Netherlands is now Europe's second biggest exporter of agronomic products after France.

38.  Despite collaborations with other companies and a large cash reserve, Amgen has not been able to deliver successful follow-up products to its first two drugs, analysts said.

39.  DeLorme has also found that viewers generally like seeing real products in movies.

40.  Delray Beach, Florida-based Sunbeam will also package educational material from the AMA with its products.

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