21.  Deliveries of industrial goods rose 6 percent and exports of agricultural products climbed 7.1 percent.

22.  DELL _AUSTIN, Texas _ Dell is rolling out some new storage products, trying to further expand their presence in a burgeoning and lucrative market.

23.  Dell also plans to offer products and services to customers who want to connect multiple PCs into a home network through their telephone wiring.

24.  Dell and Compaq, Toshiba and Sony, all have symbiotic relationships with Microsoft, which produces the software that drives their products.

25.  Dell founder Michael Dell has repeatedly stated his philosophy of building products that are in line with the broadest standards.

26.  Dell has developed an Internet site for all its information, which allows customers to check out its products, prices and individual sales records.

27.  Dell is the only PC maker that assembles its own products.

28.  Dell is trying to rapidly increase sales of more profitable servers and storage products, along with peripheral products and services to decrease its reliance on desktop computers.

29.  Dell says it sells more than $1 million of its products a day on the Internet.

30.  Dell, which sells its products directly by phone or mail order, costs a bit more but offers robust equipment and better service.

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