91.  Despite questions over their benefits, products like child zinc gum or pectin lollipops are generally harmless, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

92.  Despite such claims, some medical experts are wary about the use of ephedra products, both as a stimulant and as a diet and energy aid.

93.  Despite such industry pressures, Shell unveiled its new technology venture in August, and the business is off and running with two new products.

94.  Cybersquatters routinely register movie titles, company names or the names of products, then demand large sums to turn them over to trademark holders.

95.  Cyclosporine products are manufactured under several names by Novartis, with reported sales of $1.2 billion in 1996.

96.  Despite the company's claims to the contrary, Park said she couldn't return the products for cash.

97.  Despite the controls, some companies are still selling enryption products abroad.

98.  Despite the doldrums in the small-car market, the auto maker's latest efforts to lure buyers to their much improved products have been valiant.

99.  Cytokine Networks doesn't plan to develop products based on all the patents in its portfolio.

100.  Democrats, backed with equal vigor by trial lawyers, contend that limiting manufacturer liability will expose consumers to dangerous products.

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