1. A compact man with a rough, scarred face whose nickname is Arizona because he did prison time there, Shulark blinked back tears as he talked.
2. He has kept in touch with ex-Kings owner Bruce McNall, who did prison time after getting busted for various business dealings.
3. It is their people, after all, who do the bulk of the killing, dying, and prison time.
4. Kelly is an intriguing, deeply flawed figure who plied his break-in skills once too often, then turned himself in and did prison time.
5. One brother, Bobby, did prison time after his attempted robbery resulted in him shooting a pregnant woman, killing the fetus.
6. Polls show Americans favor more prison time for au pair Louise Woodward.
7. Rose did prison time, and so will Strawberry.
8. Two members of the dirty-tricks units did prison time.
9. Bowers was paroled but returned to prison four times during that sentence.
10. Costin went to prison seven times for crimes ranging from assaulting police officers to breaking and entering.