41.  At Rutgers, he raised millions of dollars for scholarships and enrichment programs benefiting black and Hispanic students.

42.  At the grave site on Saturday morning, the driver of a dump truck raised the hydraulic bed and bodies slid into a trench.

43.  At that time, Gore raised the majority of the contributions.

44.  At the bilateral meetings Friday, Clinton raised issues ranging from the Middle East peace process to increased aid to poor African nations, officials said.

45.  At a hearing last week, Uelmen raised the issue rhetorically.

46.  At a recent lunch with APEC ambassadors he raised more hackles by refusing even to discuss it.

47.  At the hearing, Stern raised questions about the link between Summit and some FDA members.

48.  At the institutional level, the U.K. blockade raised calls for the repeal of national veto rights and the switch to more majority voting.

49.  At the same time the announcement raised a number of eyebrows.

50.  At the same time, Hearst raised its advertising rates.

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