91.  Although illegal, some race-based life insurance policies remain in effect in Texas, a coalition of activists, legislators and regulators said Friday.

92.  Although illegal, such policies from the 1950s and 1960s continue generating premiums, said activists for Jackson's Rainbow-PUSH Coalition.

93.  Democrats viewed the Fed action as evidence that monetary policy was far better suited to dealing with the business cycle than fiscal policy.

94.  Despite government policies for equal treatment, some Christians believe they are discriminated against in the workplace and seek better conditions elsewhere.

95.  Despite growing efforts by educators to combat bullying, few think their policies and programs can halt a problem that has its roots in an increasingly violent society.

96.  Despite grudging applause for Mr. Putin's decision to participate in the U.S. anti-terrorism campaign, there are few signs of any American official rethinking of those policies.

97.  Despite her liberal policies, she enjoyed a high approval rating for most of her term.

98.  Despite indications to the contrary, Policy stressed the decision was made in haste.

99.  Democrats, therefore, must wonder if they are simply wasting time when they propose alternatives to his policies and pronouncements.

100.  Demonizing the Salinas clan helped take Mexicans' minds off the recession, which Zedillo blames on the reckless economic policies of his predecessor.

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