1.  I like play table Tennis.Because my eyes are near-sighted, play table tennis can make me judge the ball's speed and adirection, the Decid me what to do.

2.  We can see the TV play the live telecast, the knowlege on it.

3.  Student often play on it and have exercises on it .

4.  After a while, I and many classmates played the chess.

5.  only put on the "play" .

6.  We studied and played together.

7.  When I was a little bigger , father often worked in factory, so he had no time to play with me.

8.  He played with me , told me stories and taught me characters, when he was freed my father very much .

9.  I can go into the nature and play all the time, so that I can put all the spirited into the study of the next term.

10.  My parents advice me to go for sports , but sometimes I want to play computer games all the day at home.

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