1.  Depending on income levels, people may have to pay a monthly premium or make co-payments for care.

2.  Currently, 1.3 billion people do not have access to adequate supplies of safe water, and 2 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation. . . .

3.  Democracy works best when civic life is strong, when people have a broad sense of community, shared experiences and mutual responsibility.

4.  Despite the absence of explicit wording on sexual matters, Scout officials have argued all along that gay people have no place in their membership.

5.  Despite some fakes in the field, Krull thinks certain people do have extra intuition.

6.  Despite the lack of groceries, most people here have more than enough fruit, vegetables, and meat to nourish themselves.

7.  Describing that difficult time has not been easy for Dole, but he said it has made him understand America, understand that people have needs.

8.  Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jason Jarrett say that most people have the wrong idea about their aspiring NASCAR careers.

9.  Daoud Yaqub, a spokesman for Karzai, said that people had no idea of the logistical difficulties facing the new administration.

10.  Deyo isn't convinced but said some research indicated "taller people have a predilection for developing disk herniations.

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