1.  As a radio, turned up loud, carried accounts of the air strikes, people came looking for solace and for a chance to express their outrage.

2.  As far as Rudin is concerned, however, whether people come or not is decisive.

3.  Do people come to work when they shouldn't?

4.  Does it bother her when people come up to her and say, "Hey, Dharma!"?

5.  Duksin says Rico's future will be built upon "a foundation of trust," and people will come to know it as the Eden he already imagines.

6.  During the course of the disease these people increasingly come to deny they have a problem with alcohol.

7.  Duvall added, "We want people to come to an Eighth Blackbird production to see Eighth Blackbird play."

8.  Each week, we're seeing a little bump that tells us more people are coming to the show."

9.  During the Depression, she said, people came to the libraries to stay warm because the libraries had coal allowances.

10.  Do people come to the fair to see the butts of animals?"

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