71.  As a circle of people seemed to freeze around her, she dropped to her knees.

72.  Depressed older people make more medical visits, require more tests and stay longer in hospitals.

73.  Depression rates are very high all around the world among people with hard lives, and these people tend to be disproportionately poor.

74.  Deprogramming people who have tried such diets is one of her typical efforts at Cooper.

75.  Depue said his group has collected the signatures of 13,000 people who object to the new memorial.

76.  Deputy sheriffs call for order again and again and again as people mumble and whisper in the gallery.

77.  Dell Computer, the No. 1 PC maker, tries to send catalogs to homes without computers to explain how computers can change people's lives.

78.  Dell is increasing its manufacturing capability in Limerick, people and adding to its sales and support center in the Dublin suburb of Bray.

79.  Dell spokesman T.R. Reid said that at the time, many people in the company were unaware of the FTC rule.

80.  Della Fave said about 25 people were taken to hospitals in Neptune, Lakewood and Toms River.

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