51.  As a business issue, people will start to look past it."

52.  Depending on what people suggest, the SEC may revise its fund requirements.

53.  Depends on what kind of people you're talking about, I suppose.

54.  DePino said other people being considered included state Rep. Christopher Scalzo of Ridgefield, and Susan Townsley, first selectwoman of Old Saybrook.

55.  Depopulating combat areas to flush out enemy forces and deny them access to the assistance _ willing or unwilling _ of local people is a common military strategy.

56.  Designers, strange hybrids between artists and business people, tend more than most professionals to engage in a constant dialogue with both street life and cultural life.

57.  DeSormier and hundreds of other people with diabetes in the United States and abroad are participating in studies to test ways of taking insulin without needles.

58.  Desperate people are the most vulnerable to quackery, he says.

59.  Desperate people do desperate things.

60.  Desperate people do desperate things."

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