1. Cook has incidentally been given a testimonial season by Transvaal for his outstanding services over a long period.
2. His support of the association and commitment to providing outstanding service to his clients was also noted.
3. In recognition of his outstanding service, Berndt Schultz was made honorary chairman.
4. The Alice Stanley Jaye Award is given each year in recognition of outstanding services to animal welfare.
5. The council may admit as a life member any corporate member who, in the opinion of the Council, has performed outstanding services to the Association.
6. These awards are given in recognition of outstanding services to children.
7. He was a past president of the American Gastroenterological Association and later received its Friedenwald Medal for outstanding service to gastroenterology.
8. Last month, Broten was one of four recipients of the Lester Patrick Award for outstanding service to hockey in the U.S.
9. One supervisor nominated Harper for an outstanding service award.
10. Rubicon restaurant, in San Francisco, and its wine director, Larry Stone, are nominated for the outstanding wine service award.