81.  Conflict is either avoided or is allowed to develop into open warfare.

82.  Congress often eliminates, adds or changes items on the list.

83.  Construction managers determine the labor requirements and, in some cases, supervise or monitor the hiring and dismissal of workers.

84.  Despite political struggle, scientific advances and social battles, some things can not be changed, Marched for or campaigned against.

85.  Do I vote for lower taxes or do I vote for higher government spending?

86.  Do people create their own environment, or will they learn to live in any conditions?

87.  Do the Opposition favour it or reject it?

88.  Do these eruptions act as a safety valve or will they lead to a cataclysm?

89.  Do they return the money to shareholders through higher dividends or repay debt?

90.  Do vowel and consonant sounds pattern or cluster in particular ways?

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