61.  Besotted hankies can either be draped Decorously on tree branches or buried.

62.  Booksellers normally order books on a sale or return basis.

63.  Both Master and Mistress of Animals are shown between pairs of attendant animals or walking accompanied by a lion or lioness.

64.  Businesses must synchronize their production choices with consumer choices or face the penalty of losses and eventual bankruptcy.

65.  Buy speculative stuff and you can make a killing or get killed, depending which way the wind blows.

66.  By being aware of the impact of these stresses, parents can often prevent or alleviate potential problems and anxiety.

67.  By contrast, legalising something May either clarify the law where it was previously unclear, or introduce or extend rights.

68.  By healing the man is he keeping the Sabbath Holy or profaning it?.

69.  By surrounding the radio with aluminum foil, we neutralize or block the radio waves.

70.  By the end of the play, the main characters have all either died or gone mad.

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