31.  Alternatively, you can switch off by listening to music, or think about something peaceful.

32.  An extended parking area has enabled the restoration or eroded downland where formerly the grass had been all but lost to cars.

33.  An obligation of confidence can arise through contract, either express or implied.

34.  Any females which are not ripe will either stay away or beat a hasty retreat.

35.  Anyone with access to your disk can recall, print, or edit your documents.

36.  Apart from farmers, even the old petty bourgeoisie have grown or remained stable as a proportion of the labour force.

37.  Are lesbians and gay men born or made?

38.  Are New Agers just simply home-grown nature-lovers, or are they one of the greatest dangers to confront Christendom?

39.  Are the present problems unusual or has the client a long history of similar difficulties?

40.  Are these just bad vibes and sour grapes or is hip hop just too naughty by nature for the mainstream?

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