91.  A colour will seem brighter on a smooth, hard surface and more muted and darker on a rough, softer surface.

92.  A Colt calendar was on the wall.

93.  A comfortable chair, a rug on the Deck, and a favorite picture made it my home.

94.  A commercial filtering medium now on the Market combines activated carbon and an ion exchange resin.

95.  A committee of teachers has drawn up guidelines for schools on how to deal with difficult students.

96.  A company is allowed to carry on business in the usual way until steps are taken to enforce the charge.

97.  A company owned and run by Mr and Mrs Bunch carried on the business of purchase and resale of bulk butter.

98.  A comparison of the two figures shows the estimated profit on investment.

99.  A comparison of the two will throw light on the crisis of conscience on both occasions.

100.  A complete ban on strikes is not a practical proposition.

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