71.  A cellophane-wrapped, unopened perfume box is on one table, surrounded by uneven stacks of papers.

72.  A chaiselongue with missing castors, the walrus is stuck for ever on his rock.

73.  A Chambers colleague remarked on seeing it that it must be like driving around in a Smartie.

74.  A chancre is also sometimes found on the cervix and rarely on the vaginal wall.

75.  A charred baby carriage still stood on the altar steps, exactly where it had been found after the massacre.

76.  A chemist, estate agent and travel agent in Bradford were attacked with petrol bombs and three Hindu temples set on fire.

77.  A child presented with a visual stimulus tends to center or fix attention on a limited perceptual aspect of the stimulus.

78.  A child with low motor tone has much the same challenges as you would as you struggle on ice skates.

79.  A chubby little baby was playing on the rug.

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