1. And Harmon said he would not automatically provide evidence from old cases to lawyers who wanted to test DNA after a person was convicted.
2. Another bishop in the region, Thomas Daily of Brooklyn, has been steadfast in refusing to give information on old cases to prosecutors.
3. Besides Daly, one other priest in the Diocese of Jefferson City was removed from his parish this week after Bishop John Gaydos reviewed old cases.
4. Also, in the past, old cases were once converted to hold cigarettes or jewelry.
5. But a restriction on spot advertising would not be based on the viewpoint of the speaker, like the old cases of punishment for radical speech.
6. But the committee suggested that there be leeway in old cases in which there was a single instance of abuse.
7. For more than a year, there have been no new cases, no old cases, no one on the rolls receiving cash assistance.
8. For more than a year, there have been no new cases, no old cases, no one on the rolls.
9. Having a glass sheet touching the parchment itself is the biggest problem with the old case, experts said.
10. He said that one person reviewing old cases was a student of his and that initially the effort appeared to have been overly broad and too time-consuming.