81.  As the southern areas build out, officials say they need to look at bolstering their fire and police services.

82.  As they leaned against a red brick wall, a portly prison system official swabbed at the sweat trickling into his collar.

83.  As we argue many times in this book, it is the differences that concern government officials in negotiating lasting deals.

84.  Aside from meetings with Clinton and a senior State Department official, Fujimori spent most of his day here in public appearances.

85.  At first, officials in both countries balked.

86.  At that time, church officials said Yakunin flouted a rule barring priests from being involved in politics.

87.  At the bottom end of the scale this category could include high salaried officials.

88.  At the hearing, university officials agreed to register him without further delay.

89.  At the least, officials said, the move will postpone implementation of the program for as long as six months.

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