81.  As a Bruin, he said, "all I can do is work as hard as I can, on and off the ice.

82.  As a business owner, he is able to take time off to go fishing or hit the beach when he wants.

83.  Depending on your perspective, his timing on Friday night was either off _ or perfect.

84.  Depending upon what's available, perhaps you can batch some of your other paid time off with the vacation benefit.

85.  Deploying a top gun off the bench is trademark Harris.

86.  Designers knock themselves off for their less expensive lines right away.

87.  Desmarest also brushed off concern over the impact of possible U.S. sanctions.

88.  Desmond Howard didn't say a whole lot to most of the New England Patriots who were mouthing off.

89.  Desperate as the nation's condition might appear, virtually nobody is writing Lukashenko off.

90.  Desperate for sharp one-liners, the screenplay recycles cliches, then tries to palm them off as fresh.

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