1.  It contains a lot of fruit and vegetables.

2.  As a result, a lot of Chinese have healthy white teeth.

3.  Every person needs water and diet of healthy foods.

4.  It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.

5.  Boyzone is the band of Ireland.

6.  Last year, They published the first record of their own.

7.  From evening to evening, there were six or seven rains of sand blown into my left eye.

8.  The biggest one must be the one that was blown into my left eye on the intersection of Taibao Street I the evening .

9.  It has two strata , Cars run on the upper stratum and trains run on the other one.In the evening, there held a large celebration for that , including the play of the fireworks.

10.  In the 1990's, the development of computer took on a very high speed.

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