71.  So a good way to help students out of remembering large numbers of words is totally crucial.

72.  A small number of people think if college students have a love affair, they will spend a lot of time on it which may have a bad effect on their study .

73.  A great number of organizations attract me.

74.  As is known to all, a large number of students who are learning English memorize numerous words one by one to improve it.

75.  Admittedly, the traditional way of reciting words through memorizing lists of words over and over again can help us pick up numbers of words in a limited time to some extent, especially when it is just one month or even less days left for you to read so many materials, however, the less time you used to remember a word, the more likely you would forget it when the test is over.

76.  Surely we meet a large number of vocabularies when we are reading books.

77.  Sixty-one per cents of Britons believe that the number of immigrants in British is excessive.

78.  A majority of them prefer to enlarge their vocabulary by translating and memorizing long lists of test words so that they can remember a large number of words in a relatively short period.

79.  So in these years, there are people in increasing numbers who have been learning English.

80.  For this issue, we have an investigation in many schools, and find a great number of students prefer to translate and memorize long lists of test words rather than try to improve their vocabulary by reading a wide variety of books and other reading materials.

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