1.  After suffering the high intensity, painstaking study in middle school, a large number of students pin their hope on relaxing in university.

2.  Later on, I discover that in every top university there are large numbers of workaholic.

3.  The number of subjects does not equal time and energy students put on study.

4.  Apart from these daily necessities, a large number of snacks and cosmetics were squeezed in a translucent plastic box.

5.  As to god and goddess, since the number of them is pretty small, the chance for two of them to meet is fat.

6.  And we can see, in our university, boys accounted for the vast majority of the total number who learn science.

7.  So if you open the list of elective courses on our campus, you will find the number of students who choose the humanities surely beyond their needs, but science departments are often empty.

8.  Even though I do not know the exact number of property his family owns, the Land rover and several villas in Beijing have produced enough evidence for his rich family.

9.  And my time number of cycling climbing was less than some boy competitors'.

10.  On the one hand, with the growing of feminism and self-awareness of women, a great number of social jobs, some of which are vital in many areas, have being transferred from men to women.

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