11.  Broadly speaking, strong winds raise the water level in the direction towards which the wind blows.

12.  Carla raises her hand as if she were at school.

13.  Claudia raised the bottle of shampoo in mute enquiry.

14.  Critics raised their voices with the consciousness of challenging a ruling orthodoxy.

15.  Cyril raised his arm to the waitress, an action that sent him off into a fit of coughing.

16.  Democrats and Republicans raised millions from wealthy individuals, corporations and unions.

17.  Divorce, Decreases in family size and the increased labour Market participation of women raise questions about future supplies of informal care.

18.  Firms raised more external finance than they needed, using the surplus to repay bank debts and build up excess cash.

19.  Gao Ma raised his head to listen.

20.  Gaunt raised his hand as if welcoming the plaudits of the crowd.

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